Posted tagged ‘Step 3’

Day Two

December 26, 2008

After a long 24 hours (actually more like 18) the chia kitten was ready for seed implantation.

Ready for Seed Implantation

Gel-like paste of seeds


Fully Soaked

Chia Pet fully soaked

Step 3

Spread water-soaked Chia seeds on animal.


Beginning with a teaspoon


Having to spread seeds with my hands

Having to spread seeds with my hands


It's a lot messier than the commercial made it look

Sticky Icky



It's a lot messier than the commercial made it look

Ready – Set – Grow!

Seeds should sprout in 3-5 days (we shall see)

Seeds should sprout in 3-5 days (we shall see)

Alright, so after that messy debacle it’s time to chart the Chia Pet’s progress.  

I’m supposed to keep the chia pet full of water (see hole) and make sure that it gets the appropriate sunlight.  

Hopefully the seeds take, if not we can always try again.